Our Business is all about helping you.
here we have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you find your way.


G E N E R A L F A Q ’ S

  • While therapy can be beneficial to people with serious mental health concerns, the majority of people who see a psychologist are people finding it difficult to cope with everyday concerns such as changes in their relationships or circumstances. If you are getting psychological treatment, it just means that you are getting professional advice and assistance with managing a problem or situation that you are finding difficult to resolve yourself. Psychological treatment provides you with independent, objective advice and assistance from a person who is trained to understand your situation and help you develop skills and strategies to overcome the problem you are dealing with.

  • It’s OK to feel nervous when talking about your mental health, particularly if this is a topic that you don’t usually discuss with people in your everyday life. Nearly half of us will experience a mental health condition at some point in our lives. Here at Bloom Health Clinic we hold in mind that for many, taking this first step is a daunting experience, and we pride ourselves on provide a compassionate and non-judgemental space to welcome you into your healing journey.

    If you are feeling anxious or unwell, we can offer Telehealth appointments so that you can access services from the comfort of your own home.

  • You are an active participant in the therapy process. this means committing to your appointments, actively engaging in the session, taking feedback on board, giving feedback to your therapist and applying the knowledge, strategies and skills you have learnt outside the therapy room into your daily life.

  • The amount of sessions you need will depend entirely on your individual circumstances. As you work with your psychologist over the first few sessions, you will develop a plan with them to give you a better idea of what to expect. You will likely get a sense of what regularity works for you. generally speaking, therapy is most effective when it is regular and consistent, particularly when you first begin the process. Typically, sessions can occur weekly or fortnightly to start with, and then decrease in frequency as you work through your concerns; however, this is flexible. You and your therapist will assess your needs and situation, and decide together on what will work best for you.

  • Standard therapy sessions at Bloom Health Clinic lasts for 50 minutes.

  • As registered health professionals, our practitioners are regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA). AHPRA has put in place strict advertising guidelines which include a prohibition on using “testimonials or purported testimonials about the service or business”.

    We do however love to hear from our clients and endeavour to incorporate any feedback we receive into the running of our clinic.

  • If you would like to provide us with feedback please see the below feedback processes.

    Feedback about Client Care Team, intake forms and procedures, rooms or facilities at the Bloom Health Clinic:

    If you have feedback or a concern regarding the Client Care Team, administration procedures, rooms or facilities at Bloom Health Clinic, please email admin@bloomhealthclinic.au with the subject heading Feedback. If you would like a response to the feedback you are providing, please make a note in your email that you would appreciate a response.

    Feedback about a Practitioner who works from Bloom Health Clinic Premises:

    If you have feedback regarding your Practitioner, please email the specific details to admin@bloomhealthclinic.au with the Subject Heading Feedback – Attention to (Name of Practitioner). If you would like a response to the feedback you are providing, please make a note in your email that you would appreciate a response.

  • Bloom Health Clinic is a holistic psychology practice that provides counselling to adults, couples, adolescents, children and families. We have highly skilled and compassionate therapists who have experience working across a broad range of issues including but not limited to anxiety, depression, grief and loss, women's issues, men’s issues, relationships, adolescent counselling, parenting and children, trauma, and sex, sexuality and gender-related issues. We also offer clinical supervision and self-care support to other therapy and wellness professionals.

T E A M F A Q ‘ S

  • We guarantee all the therapists at Bloom Health Clinic are Australian Fully Registered Psychologists with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA). You can be confident you are speaking to a fully registered health professional.

  • All our psychologists hold tertiary qualifications in psychology. In addition, we undertake continuous professional development which ensures we are able to provide you with the best and latest treatment approaches. All our psychologists are also fully registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and most are members of the Australian Psychological Society.

    You can learn more about each psychologists specific qualifications by exploring their individual practitioner profiles on our Meet The Team page

  • Yes there sure are. so when looking for a psychologist it’s important to think about the type of psychologist that might be able to best support you. to get an idea about who may be the best fit for you. The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has some resources that may be helpful:

  • General Psychologist

    Study: Has completed a minimum of 4 years university study in psychology

    Medicare Rebates: Will attract a Medicare Rebate of $92.90 per session with valid Mental Health Treatment Plan

    Registration: Is registered as a “General Psychologist” with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

    Clinical Psychologist – Registrar

    Study: Has completed a minimum of 6 – 8 years university study in clinical psychology, to the level of Masters, Doctorate or PhD in psychology

    Medicare Rebates: Will attract a Medicare Rebate of $92.90 per session with valid Mental Health Treatment Plan (Medicare does not provide a rebate for cognitive testing)

    Registration: Is registered as a “General Psychologist” with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) – as is completing a short period of supervised work to gain endorsement in clinical psychology – Clinical Psychology Registrar

    Clinical Psychologist

    Study: Has completed a minimum of 6 – 8 years university study in clinical psychology, to the level of Masters, Doctorate or PhD in psychology

    Medicare Rebates: Will attract a higher Medicare rebate of $136.35 per session with valid Mental Health Treatment Plan

    Registration: Is endorsed as a “General Psychologist” with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) – with Endorsement in “Clinical Psychology”

C O N F I D E N T I A L I T Y & P R I V A C Y
F A Q ‘ S

  • Yes, everything you share within your therapy sessions, from the moment you make first contact, is confidential. No one outside of our practice is able to confirm whether you are even attending Bloom Health Clinic, unless you provide written consent to us that we are able to share this information with another specific person.

  • Yes, there are certain rare circumstances under which psychologists are legally obligated to break confidentiality.

    • If there is immediate threat of harm to self or others.

    • If your information is subpoenaed by a court of law

    • Supervision / Second opinion – Under national law, registered psychologists are required to seek supervision from a colleague approximately once a month to discuss their practice. It is possible that some aspects of your treatment will be discussed with another psychologist.

    As we work from a person-centred approach, wherever possible and appropriate, these steps will always be discussed in collaboration with you prior to taking action. Your psychologist will explain these limitations to confidentiality with you in more detail during your sessions.

  • Our Client Support and Therapy teams have been trained to carefully safeguard the confidentiality of your information obtained during your access of our service. Considering legal and organisational requirements, our team:
    (a) make provisions for maintaining confidentiality in the collection, recording, accessing, storage, dissemination, and disposal of information; and
    (b) take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of your information if they were to leave Little Window, or cease to provide you with therapy.

  • All information and records are kept strictly confidential in accordance with the National Privacy Principles of the Privacy Amendment Act 2000. We will not normally release any information about you unless you provide us with signed consent to do so. However, there are some potential exceptions to this rule:

    • If you were referred to us by a doctor or other health professional, we will send a brief letter to the person making the referral so they are informed, this is required under GP Mental Health Care Treatment Plan with Medicare.

    • If you are involved in a court case and we are subpoenaed by a court, we would not be allowed to withhold from the court any information you have given us.

    • If there is an overriding legal obligation to do so, we may disclose information to the relevant authorities about a patient’s serious criminal acts that place another person at risk of harm.

    • If you disclose that you seriously intend to harm yourself or place someone else at risk of harm or harm someone else or seriously threaten to take your life we are obliged to notify potential helpers or victims.

    • If you are legally a minor (under 18 years) we are not normally obliged to give details of our discussions to your parent(s) or guardian(s).

    Psychologists are bound by strict professional requirements to maintain a certain code of conduct. These include, but are not limited by the Australian Health Practitioner and the Regulation Agency (Psychology Board of Australia), Australian Psychology Society (APS) Code of Ethics and APS Ethical Standards and National Privacy Principles.

    For more detailed information about your privacy policy please click here.

A P P O I N T M E N T F A Q ‘ S

  • Once you have contacted our psychology clinic you will be emailed some online forms to complete before your first session. All online forms must be completed few days before your first appointment to ensure we have all the administration work completed before your appointment and to help you and your psychologist understand the nature of your difficulties and how to best help you. If you do not have ability to complete online forms you will be required to attend your first appointment 30 minutes earlier, so you can complete the forms before you sit down with your psychologist. This will save valuable time at the first initial consultation. If you have trouble with completing the forms that's okay your psychologist will support you with this.

  • For your initial consultation please make sure you bring your

    1. Medicare card

    2. A copy of the Doctors' referral letter

    3. Your Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) or Mental Health Treatment Review

    ** As an alternative to brining in hard copies of your referral letter and MHTP, you can ask your GP to forward these to our clinic at admin@bloomhealthclinic.au before your first appointment.

    The plan is not required if you are referred by a third party who is paying or you are using your Private Health Insurance. Otherwise you will be responsible for total cost of the appointment.

  • Before your therapy session begins, it is normal to feel nervous, worried, emotional, hopeful, or even excited about your appointment. The first appointment is about getting to know each other and for your therapist to learn about your world. It is also an opportunity for you to familiarise yourself with the environment, your therapist and the counselling process, and decide whether they will be a good fit for you. It is important that you feel our approach to therapy is suited to your individual needs; therapy is most effective if you feel there is an alignment in values and if you feel a sense of safety in the therapy space and with the person you are working with.

    Bloom Health Clinic is unique in this sense as our Client Care Team are trained and guided by intuition to match you to the right therapist; we have 4 therapists on our team, all with diverse personalities and approaches. If at any stage during your therapy process, you do not feel your therapist is a good match for you, we welcome your feedback, and can discuss shifting you to a different therapist on the team, to ensure that your experience is a safe and positive one.

  • When you arrive, you will be welcomed by a calm and quiet waiting room where you are able to enjoy a soothing cup of organic tea while you wait for your practitioner.

    When ready, your therapist will invite you into your therapy room, and engage with you in a relaxed, conversational way, to explore what has brought you to therapy, and ask about your concerns. This appointment is for you to have an opportunity to tell your story, and to have someone be present with you to hear and hold space for your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Your therapist is trained in meeting you at your pace, so you will not feel forced or hurried into talking about anything you are not comfortable to in your first session, or any of your sessions.

    During your first session, you may wish to ask questions relating to what to expect, and how your therapist can best support you.

    If you are a parent and are bringing your child to counselling, the first session will typically involve meeting with just you, or you and your partner (without your child present) to discuss your concerns. This first session is needed to gather important background information about your child and discuss how we as a team can best support them.

  • Yes, Bloom Health Clinic provides Telehealth and telephone services to clients. The fees will be the same as Medicare and private health appointments. Please notify admin via email ahead of time if you wish to book or change an existing appointment to Telehealth/telephone.

  • Your Psychologist is NOT able to offer a crisis or immediate response service. In an Emergency Dial 000, Lifeline 13 11 14 or the Acute Care Mental Health Team on 1300 767 155 or (07) 3825 6000 (24 hours). We can only work with clients within a scheduled appointment times and are unable to provide treatment or therapy by text message or email or telephone. You can find further crisis support on our crisis support page, please click here.

G R O U P F A Q ‘ S

  • Group sizes can vary, but they typically range from 4 to 10 participants. This ensures a small enough group for everyone to actively participate and receive meaningful support, while still allowing for a diverse range of perspectives.

  • It depends on the specific group, but typically our groups run for 6-12 weeks.

  • Yes, we do ask for a commitment to attend all the scheduled group sessions. Consistent attendance helps create a supportive and cohesive environment for all participants. Additionally, many of our group curriculums are designed to build upon themselves, meaning each session introduces new material that relies on the previous content for a comprehensive understanding. Attending group sessions consistently ensures you receive the full benefit of the program and can actively participate in discussions and activities.

  • We typically require that clients join therapy groups from the beginning for the best experience. If the group you are interested in has already started, please reach out to us at admin@bloomhealthclinic.au to join the waitlist for the next cohort.

  • Absolutely! Many individuals find it beneficial to combine individual therapy with group therapy, as they offer different levels of support and opportunities for growth.

  • While participation is encouraged, you are not required to share more than you feel comfortable. It's perfectly acceptable to participate at your own pace. Many find that as trust grows within the group, they may feel more inclined to share.

  • Confidentiality is an essential part of creating a safe and supportive group therapy environment, and participants are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of others in the group. The therapist facilitating the group will review confidentiality during the first group session to ensure all members understand and adhere to confidentiality guidelines.

  • Feeling nervous about participating in group therapy is completely normal, and many individuals share similar apprehensions when joining a new group. It's important to remember that everyone in the group has likely experienced these feelings at some point. The therapist is there to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment, and they will guide the session to ensure everyone feels comfortable. You can participate at your own pace, and there's no pressure to share more than you feel ready to. Over time, as trust and familiarity grow within the group, you may find that it becomes easier to engage and benefit from the experience.

M E D I C A R E R E B A T E F A Q ‘ S

  • No, you must be referred by your GP or your psychiatrist to access Medicare rebates psychology sessions.

  • Unfortunately couples therapy isn’t listed as one of the eligible treatments under Medicare so you’re unable to claim any money back on these sessions.

  • The rebate you receive from Medicare will depend on the type of Medicare scheme your GP has referred you for. For detailed information regarding our Fee’s and Medicare rebates please click here.

    • Check that Medicare has your bank account details (this can be done via MyGov)

    • If Medicare does have your bank account details then double check with your practitioner that they have processed the rebate

    • If your practitioner has tried to process the rebate and Medicare does not have your bank account details then you will need to provide Medicare with your bank details and receipt from your appointment (we cannot do this for you). Future Medicare rebates will be able to be processed with us once you have set up your bank details.

    • If none of the above work you will need to consider whether you have used up your mental health care or other plan limits or if your GP has correctly assigned an MHTP.

    For more information regarding Medicare and Access to Psychology services please click here.

P L A N ( M H T P ) F A Q ‘ S

  • A GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician is able to write a MHTP for you or your child for a referral to a psychologist. To be eligible for a MHTP, your doctor will determine if your emotional, social and/or cognitive difficulties would benefit from structured support from a psychologist. Read more about MHTP here.

  • A MHTP entitles you to 10 sessions per calendar year with a psychologist at reduced fees. You may also be eligible for 10 group sessions under your MHTP.

  • Of course. You are able to book an appointment with us at any time. If you have private health insurance, you may be entitled to rebates off the full fees.

B I L L I N G F A Q ‘ S

  • No, unfortunately Bloom Health Clinic is not a bulk billing clinic. In extenuating circumstances we may consider reduced fees however this is assessed on a case by case basis and dependant on clinic capacity for reduced fee set-up. If you can’t afford any gap fee, it would be worth speaking to your GP about other psychology programs (such as ATAPS) that support families in need at low or no cost.

  • If you have Private Health Care Insurance enquire with your health insurer about your entitlements for your psychological services. Many private health care companies cover psychology services under their extras policy.

  • Clients are responsible for full payment of our agreed-upon fee-for-service at the beginning of each session by credit card, which is stored securely in your client file.

    For more detailed information regarding our billing and payment procedures please click here.

C A N C E L L A T I O N P O L I C Y F A Q ‘ S

  • A cancellation & reschedule policy is a policy set up by a provider that is providing a professional service to a client. This policy typically encompasses no-shows, late cancellations, and last-minute re-schedules. All health care providers are required by law to explicitly state their cancellation & reschedule policy on any and all written documentation that is to be signed by their clients.

  • Yes, Bloom Health Clinic operate a strict 48-hour cancelation and reschedule policy. Any reschedule, cancellation or no-show within a 48-hour window is charged a cancellation fee.

    For detailed information regarding our Cancelation Policy and Fees please visit our Cancelation Policy page.

  • Of course! We understand that life can be unpredictable and you may need to cancel an appointment within the 48 hour window due to unexpected personal circumstances. In this case we ask that you contact Bloom as soon as possible so we can inform your clinician and attempt to fill your session. Extenuating personal circumstances will be taken into consideration when deciding if a cancellation fee applies.

  • At some point, it is likely that your therapist may have to cancel or reschedule your appointment. When this happens you of course will not be charged. It is paramount for your therapist to prioritise and model consistency when scheduling your sessions together. In the rare event that they must cancel or reschedule a session with you, they should offer you an alternate time to meet with them when it is possible.

    Additionally, an important benefit of working with a therapist in a group practice such as Bloom is that there is often more oversight and greater accountability to ensure that your therapist is upholding best practices for your treatment. Group therapy practices, such as Bloom, may offer you a higher level of care because there is professional management that has set clinical expectations and policies. In the instance that a therapist is not providing consistency in treatment or even if it is simply not the right fit, remember that you have full autonomy to reach out to someone within the group practice’s administration to have your concerns heard.

Let’s chat.